What makes my day happy is I have receive my first payment in payperpost.Thanks to PPP!!! I hope I can catch opps again so that I can treat my family in coming here to manila.
September 30, 2008
Mixed Bad and Happy Day!
I wake up early in the morning because I have an overtime duty at work.I feel glad that my cousin had already cook a food for our breakfast, which means he wake up earlier than 4:00 am .We did our breakfast around 4:30am in the morning.This will be our schedule since we are now in day shift at work.After, breakfast I do have to prepare for going to work, I feel that my stomach suddenly get upset and I have visit the comfort room twice in just a few minutes.So, I decided not to have a duty today.I get rest and take medicine.
What makes my day happy is I have receive my first payment in payperpost.Thanks to PPP!!! I hope I can catch opps again so that I can treat my family in coming here to manila.
What makes my day happy is I have receive my first payment in payperpost.Thanks to PPP!!! I hope I can catch opps again so that I can treat my family in coming here to manila.
September 28, 2008
Minimize your Jet Lag
Jet lag is discomforts that air travel experience after a trip that carries them across five or more zones.This is caused by several factors that disturb body's equilibrium.Here is how to minimize or prevent jet lag:
During Flight:
1.Take fluids liberally (water is best ) dehydration aggravates symptoms of jet lag
2.Avoid alcohol and coffee
3.Perform statics exercise for arms,legs ,and trunk muscles while seated.Alternately, walk up and down the aisle of the airplane every one or two hours.
4.Do not overeat
5.Time your sleep to coincide with nighttime in your place of destination.Use aids such as blindfolds,ear plugs,neck rests and pillows to help you sleep.
On Arrival:
1.If you arrived during the day,stay outdoors and keep awake till nightfall,to reset your body clock.
2.If you arrive at night,get some sleep but wake up at daybreak and stay awake during the day,to facilitate the first few nights after arrival.
During Flight:
1.Take fluids liberally (water is best ) dehydration aggravates symptoms of jet lag
2.Avoid alcohol and coffee
3.Perform statics exercise for arms,legs ,and trunk muscles while seated.Alternately, walk up and down the aisle of the airplane every one or two hours.
4.Do not overeat
5.Time your sleep to coincide with nighttime in your place of destination.Use aids such as blindfolds,ear plugs,neck rests and pillows to help you sleep.
On Arrival:
1.If you arrived during the day,stay outdoors and keep awake till nightfall,to reset your body clock.
2.If you arrive at night,get some sleep but wake up at daybreak and stay awake during the day,to facilitate the first few nights after arrival.
September 25, 2008
Beautiful Day!
Today is payday..the two boys in the house had their first salary.This means, start this month I gonna have to lessen my burden in house bills.Another is,I have receive two award from my blogger friends ! Thanks to sweetdonut and chelle for including my site .
- I received this blog award from chelle. Thank you for this and I appreciate it so much...
This award is called...

here are the rules for passing on the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
I want to pass this award to sheng , poray , laura ,faye ,chubskulit , sweetdonut and connie .
September 23, 2008
Junk Foods
Junk foods are basically unhealthy and with low calorie food..Calorie is defined as the measure of energy value of the food and how much our body needs.In our daily life we never noticed that we are already eating junk foods.Sometimes, we introduce or buy junks foods to our kids..right?
Here are some common varieties of this foods:
-Cakes , candies , cookies due to high sugar content
-Colas , sodas and artificial drinks
- Ice Cream
-Salty food such as french fries and potato chips
-fried food
This food type is high in sugar , fats ,artificial preservatives and additives that are toxic to the body.There are many risks involved so Its about time for us now to break junk food habit slowly.
Here are some common varieties of this foods:
-Cakes , candies , cookies due to high sugar content
-Colas , sodas and artificial drinks
- Ice Cream
-Salty food such as french fries and potato chips
-fried food
This food type is high in sugar , fats ,artificial preservatives and additives that are toxic to the body.There are many risks involved so Its about time for us now to break junk food habit slowly.
September 22, 2008
Review my POST and Get PAID
Week Recipe

Since, we are now five living in my house to shoulder all expenses is really a burden for me and tata.I cannot afford to told them not to eat for breakfast or lunch...lol....All I have to do is to buy veggies or dried fish in a week. Because, if we will have meat,hotdog and fish only every week it is costly for us.A veggies is cheap and nutritious. I usually cook "pinakbet"or mixed veggies in a week.Sometimes grilled eggplant Dip and a fried tipalia fish or smoke fish .For grilled eggplant Dip,here is how
to do:

2 or 4 pieces grilled and peeled eggplant
1 piece red bell pepper,grilled and peeled
2 cloves garlic minced
1 tsp.flat leaf parsley,chopped
1/4 cup virgin olive oil or vegetable oil
salt and pepper to taste
1.Place grilled eggplant,grilled bell pepper and garlic in blender.Process for 5 seconds
Transfer to a bowl and set aside.
2.Add parsley,olive oil to eggplant mixture.Mix well and season to taste
3.Serve ...
easy.. right ??? find time to try!
Transition Time
After, three months working in night shift schedule finally we will have change shift next week. Working in a day shift is much pressure.Morning is busy hour for me again.The only thing I like having a day shift duty is I can sleep well.I can make 6 to 7 hours sleep.For three months I had only 4 to 5 hours sleep everyday.My secret is to drink a glass of fresh milk before going to bed so I can sleep early.If I am in a mood to update my blog a nap will do plus a black coffee to survive for a 12hours duty.Yesterday, Tata and I drop by in a mall. I buy a magazines back issue at booksale. Booksale section vend magazines, novels, books etc ... it is cheap only. I bought the one with Free Fit Kit Workout Program while tata bought Battle Realms and WarCraft CD Installer.
Happy Moments

Living in a boarding house is good because your free to go anywhere and spend your money as long as you want.That's me and Tata for the past months.We go to the mall, shopping..dine in ..visit my favorite pizza house..watch movie...buy my favorite brownies..etc..we spend our day off that way.The benefit is we both gained weight..lol...When I decided to transfer my house we limit the malling and shopping time.Instead, we spend much time in the house cleaning, cooking,watching TV and DVD tapes, practicing autocadd, internet surfing and of course my blogging hobby not boring but it keep us busy. Life changes fast.The important is ..I am happy and contented what matters life will go.Evrything change for a reason and I belive that most reasons are worth .
September 20, 2008
For New Bloggers
Blogging is a very good hobby.I enjoy..meet friends...share my life experiences so on...To start in blogging is not easy for me.I do always keep asking to my blogger friend who introduce this site to me.She added a shoutbox in my site,in there I can leave messages,blog hop, increase my traffic and meet new friends. Bloggers are very kind when you ask them they will give you idea , steps what to do to clarify things.As a new blogger I want to share to those who are new in blogging or want to be a blogger too..a paid sites.... This includes 13 paid sites that you can submit your blog and started earning your writings.
September 19, 2008
Kind Blogger Award
Maraming Salamat RICHELLE sa gantimpalang ito!
1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this Award.
2. Four (4) of them are followers of your Blog.
3. One has to be new to your Blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to who ever gave you the Award.
Awarding this to kateashley, RIA, pORAY, naomi and carol.
Maraming salamat sa walang sawa nyong pagsuporta sa blog ko.yub-filipina.
Dream House

It is free to dream..right? I know my dream house could not be possible .Because, houses of this place was already sold out for only three days from the day they launched the open house selling.Another, reason is I cannot afford to owned this house.just a dream.lol. Do you want to know where my dream house is? It is the PALM JUMEIRA subdivision in Dubai.This place is very stunning.The location is peaceful,relaxing,unique that everybody would admire,love and dream like me too.The house cost 48Million dollars each. wow! My favorite Will Smith own a house here and lots of elite people in different country.
Cash Advance
I feel glad when I check my company e-mail.The company where I am working launched a "Cash Advance " program to all regular employees thru oracle IE Expense. It need only payslip for verification purposes.It is only one day process and the payment is monthly salary deduction.This is very helpful to us especially those who have family and kids studying in college.
September 17, 2008
Tata and I was suspend our autocadd training every weekend because both of us are busy at work.We decided to install a autocadd 2009 in our computer so that we can practice at home even just a few minutes. The training center issued a manual to us, so it is easy to perform some exercises. I can't wait now for our transition schedule next month.So, we can continue the training.
A Ring !

I want to buy a diamond ring for mother as a gift this coming Christmas.Because, I remember during my college days she said "if get my pension I will buy a diamond ring" since, she have to priority her only daughter needs the ring was already out of budget.Now, its time for her to make up.I was at the jewelry shop yesterday looking for a ring with green stone because her favorite color is green.I have found one! I visited four jewelry shop but all I can say is " I am out of budget too".A real diamond is very precious ! My workmate give me an idea that most jewelry shop offer a lay away plan.It goes like this you will pay 20% up to 40% of the item price and the remaining amount will be paid monthly depend upon your choice how long you will pay and how much you pay every month but the item will be reserve for you.Once, you get paid they will already give you the item.
Weight Reduction
There are various practices how to reduce weight.Aside from pills or other weight loss drugs,dieting also applied for but exercise is one important aspect of weight reduction.Physical activity helps maintain normal metabolism,control appetite and tone down muscles for a filter body after shedding off pounds.However, I want to share four basic principles on weight reduction:
1. Decide. determined and motivated that you will undergo weight loss regimen.
2.Prepare. set your mind to quit the habits that have led you to gain a lot of weight.Get ready for a change of lifestyle.
3.Act. balanced diet.eat wisely.never skip breakfast.a daily 30-minute vigorous exercise and quitting smoking must be included too.Increase your fruit and veggie intake.
4.Keep it up. maintain your weight once you have achieve your goal.There are some who goes back to her former lifestyle and taken for granted part of weight loss.
1. Decide. determined and motivated that you will undergo weight loss regimen.
2.Prepare. set your mind to quit the habits that have led you to gain a lot of weight.Get ready for a change of lifestyle.
3.Act. balanced diet.eat wisely.never skip breakfast.a daily 30-minute vigorous exercise and quitting smoking must be included too.Increase your fruit and veggie intake.
4.Keep it up. maintain your weight once you have achieve your goal.There are some who goes back to her former lifestyle and taken for granted part of weight loss.
September 14, 2008
I got my card !!!
I got my eon card this week and I finally link it to my pay pal account. I am in the second step; to wait for my 4 digit pay pal code it says there that it will take a few days to appear so I will patiently wait .Until I can verify my account.I am hoping that I cannot encountered hang-ups during the process. For bloggers living in the Philippines like me eon card has a good news for us. Just check this helpful spot in getting your blog payments eon card
September 13, 2008
Gracias sisterette rose for this pretty butterfly award! I love butterflies!
They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate? Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text. I am awarding this to the following bloggers who flies like butterflies in the blogsphere! poray, naomi, kateAShley,jerla, jane, deaty, carol

September 10, 2008
Pinoy Idol
I watch Pinoy Idol every saturday now it ended up with the pride of Biliran Island (my hometown).Gretchen Espina which came from Biliran island although I don't really know her in person I was very glad she won the First Pinoy Idol.In the contest I admire most to the cute 16 year old Ilongga girl name "sue" she is a good performer too at a young age. For gretchen ,it was revelation every week she perform.This is gretchen in the Final Challenge... link
September 9, 2008
Investing a property is valuable . Before, I decided to get a house I consider first the location if it is accessible in school, hospital, market , church ,good environment and house price .I started setting up the papers last November 2007 with the help of my broker friend. I get to hold my house last March 2008.I was very lucky that my broker was very supportive and she guide me until I transfer my house.Now, I feel blessed owning a property although I have to stretch my budget for my house bill it is still fulfilling because my parents and relatives can now stay here anytime they want in their visit.
September 8, 2008
Blogger Mobile
I get interest this way of blogging.Since, I have no laptop using my mobile phone I can easily post anywhere, update my blog,visit my blog friends anytime.Isn't it exciting?
Here How it works:
-Send MMS or email to go@blogger.com from your phone
- You will receive new address of your mobile phone blog plus a claim code
-Post your new mobile blog or use the claim code to link your phone to a different blog.
Blogger mobile works with any device that can send email via MMS...If you want in just few clicks try in some sony Erickson cameraphones.
Here How it works:
-Send MMS or email to go@blogger.com from your phone
- You will receive new address of your mobile phone blog plus a claim code
-Post your new mobile blog or use the claim code to link your phone to a different blog.
Blogger mobile works with any device that can send email via MMS...If you want in just few clicks try in some sony Erickson cameraphones.
September 5, 2008
Get Instant Reward from Toolbar
I am new in blogging and I do keep browsing the net to get thoughts,ideas,opinions,sites from others that I can share also and keep my blog alive . I bookmark one site and try to create an account. I make my own toolbar design so that it is easy for me to look some links,sites, news etc. at the same time tune in the radio while doing some stuffs in my blog. To join simply click link and start creating your account after that you have to confirm your membership thru mail and receive a reward of 100dollars.It is easy to earn ..right? For more rewards . You can make your own toolbar design and add it in your blog.try it...
September 4, 2008
Last week we buy our groceries in the supermarket along our way home. We just only buy things that we need and few stuffs that was already out of stock including toothpaste.I have not seen the toothpaste that go well with me,so I buy other brand of toothpaste.I am using it now and I am not comfortable with it.I do really like my old toothpaste because I also used it to massage my gums after brushing.In this coming day off I would look for "gumtec" in other supermarket.
September 2, 2008
Food Trip
Tata and I went to mall today.We just dropped first in the house to take a nap after work because we had our overtime in night shift.I wake him up around 11am.I feel so hot and we are in a hurry to go to the mall for cool down.We both plan to watch a movie but I am undecided because I am sure I will fall asleep in the theater.All we did is we buy a popcorn and eat in the food court :-) Then we missed the cakes my favorite is mocha while tata is black forest.After eating, we walk and dropby in the gadgets store.Then, we buy a "bibingka" on our way the one mixed with salted egg..yummy!! thats all I did for today...now, I have to go to bed because my eyes are already burning.
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