August 18, 2008


Osteoarthritis has risen in popularity and also notoriety in recent years due to its overwhelming attack on men and women especially among senior citizens.My mother suffered from it until now , bulging of knees, legs, fingers and all.She is now 67 years old and suffered osteoarthritis for almost a year.Its been hard for us because at her aged she is no longer entitled of health card that company benefit us.Last ,May I bring her to a rheumatologist for treatment because she cannot walk and her legs and feet swell.The doctor evade her of eating fatty foods especially pork and chicken.Instead,she should always have seedless fruit after meal and before going to bed soak her feet for 10 mins. in warm water.Thanks that mother get well but as it rains or weather get cold she complain.I try also a food supplement called powerjoints a US product made from pulverized shellfish for its supply of chondroitin and cow trachea cartilage.

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